How to Improve Employee Retention

23 August 2019
The laptop screen displaying the HeartCount app, prompting the users how she feel, showcasing a solution that improves employee retention
Estimated Read Time 4 minute read

According to a recent survey conducted by Achievers report, only 21 % of employees are fully engaged at work, while the majority of workers remain uninterested or disengaged. The employees that are not fully dedicated to work and feel unsatisfied or unhappy at work pose a serious threat to business success as they might lead to seriously high turnover rates.

What can you do as a leader? The best way to prevent this is to keep your employees happy so they don’t leave. Here are a few strategies you should use to re-engage your employees and improve employee retention.

1. Be Transparent

One of the things most employees truly appreciate is honesty. Build a transparent company culture where everyone will have an opportunity to spoke openly about the things that bother them or the challenges they face on a daily basis. Create open boss-employee communication channels and provide your employees with an insight into how the business works and what values it brings to both your clients and employees. Encourage your employees to suggest new ideas and give them a chance to have input. In this way, they will have a feeling that they contribute to the working environment and that their opinions are being appreciated.

2. Provide Regular Feedback

Another way how to stop en employee from resining is to provide regular feedback. According to Hubspot, companies that implement regular employee feedback have a 14.9% lower turnover rate. This helps strengthen their emotional connection with their manager and realise that their work is being evaluated and appreciated. Through feedback, your employees get a comprehensive report on their strengths and weaknesses and they learn more about how they are perceived by other colleagues. Finally, it will help them get an insight into their behaviour and uncover blind spots that will enable them to develop, improve and take control over their career path.

3. Encourage Them to Teach Others

One of the biggest benefits of having valuable employees is that you can learn from them. If you want your employees to feel valued, motivate them to share their knowledge with other colleagues. From workshops and mentorship programs to giving lectures and authoring a publication, there are many ways your employees can share knowledge and keep them engaged.

4. Use a Tool That Measures Happiness

If you are wondering how to keep employees from quitting, there’s no better way than actually asking them how they feel. One of the ways to do that is to conduct a survey and find out how your employees feel, what challenges they face and how happy and satisfied they are with their work. There are even tools that can do that for you on a regular basis giving you the insight into the level of happiness of your employees and allowing your employees to keep track of their happiness. In this way, you can act on the results on time and do whatever is in your power to retain your employees.

5. Create a Culture of Recognition and Praise

There’s nothing more encouraging than hearing your manager praising you for what you have done. Encourage your employees to nominate one another for some special recognitions including hard work, creativity, innovation and other things. On top of this, share these success stories and nominations with the rest of the company. This will motivate them to follow the same steps which will improve their productivity, efficiency and become more satisfied with their job. In other words, by giving them occasional words of praise (preferably once a week), they are more likely to stay with the organisation.

These are some of the ways how to keep employees from quitting. The only thing you need to do is to invest a lot of effort into encouraging your employees to grow and continue to thrive at work and the rest will follow.