Webinar Announcement: Keeping Your Organisation Happy in Spite of COVID-19

5 June 2020
The laptop screen shows a video conference focused on how to keep your organisation happy, with individuals appearing in separate windows
Estimated Read Time 2 minute read

The effects of COVID-19 pandemic have shaken the world in so many ways. Remote work, social distancing, and staying home is the new normal. Businesses are affected, and many of them switched to the “survival mode”, trying to keep their business afloat. In this kind of unstable environment, it would not be wise to neglect company culture or your employees’ feelings and thoughts.

Your work on happiness should not stop. It is actually more important than ever and this is what we are going to talk about in our Webinar on June the 11th at 3 P.M. CEST.

Keeping Your Organisation Happy: Why Should You Tune into Our Webinar?

So many aspects of our lives have been affected by the pandemic. Businesses are trying to keep their clients, putting their employees and their needs low on the priority list. Since we are mostly working from home, many of the traditional perks like gyms, office parties, fruits in the workplace, team buildings are irrelevant or impossible to realise. So what is the solution? It’s going back to basics, focusing on the relationships and results. Our guests who will discuss this topic at our panel will be:

They will share their points of view about the COVID-19 crisis, in what ways it affected businesses worldwide, but also the best practices on how to maintain your company culture and keep your employees happy in spite of COVID-19.

Join Our Free Webinar

This situation is not something you encounter every day. However, keep in mind that maintaining your company culture and keeping your employees happy during these tough times is not something to be overlooked or pushed aside. It is more important than ever to keep those relationships with your employees alive and well and communicate with your employees. :)

Discover the ways to keep your employees happy and your company culture alive in spite of COVID-19 crisis on June 11 at 3 P.M. by filling out this registration form and meeting HeartCount online! :)