Webinar Impressions: How to Develop a Culture of Trust in the Workplace?

1 May 2021
Four women, panelists of the HeartCount webinar on how to develop a culture of trust in the workplace
Estimated Read Time 3 minute read

Are you satisfied with the level of trust between the employees and the management in your company? The last year and a half have shown us that the culture of trust is the key element in any company in these uncertain times. Our webinar “People as the Company’s Greatest Asset” helped us realize this, so we decided to call the same speakers to talk about nurturing trust in a company.

The webinar was held in Serbian on April 28, and our panelists were Katarina Marković—Group Director of Human Resources at Roaming Group, Ivana Error Bauk—Employee Engagement Manager at Delhaize Serbia, and Ivana Mihajlović—Group HR Director at Direct Media United Solutions.

Why Did We Decide to Talk About Trust in the Workplace?

The previous webinar titled “People as the Company’s Greatest Asset” aroused great interest. We got a lot of questions from the attendees, but lacked the time to discuss them. So, the idea to hold a new webinar with the same panelists came spontaneously. When we analyzed the questions and the conclusions from the first webinar, we found a mutual core—trust. That is how we came with the topic for the next meeting and named it—“How to Develop a Culture of Trust in the Workplace?”.

What Were the Questions Our Panelists Have Discussed This Time?

As the last webinar was very successful, it was challenging to meet the attendees’ expectations once again. However, we did it! Many people showed interest in the event, both the first-time participants and the ones who were with us on the previous webinar. Some of the questions our panelists talked about were: Does HR protect the interests of the employee or the company? How is the trust of the employees maintained in the case of unpopular measures? How to behave when the ego prevails and when conflict arises? Ivana, Katarina, and Ivana shared their own experiences and activities they apply in their companies. They also mentioned the best advice they got in their careers. One such piece of advice was:
Don’t expect the company to accept all your ideas and go for sudden changes to the current situation. Instead, go step by step with the rhythm of the organization.

You can find the remaining tips, as well as the answers to the questions above, in the video of the webinar.

How Did Our Moderator Milica Experience This Webinar Event?

Milica: We held another webinar on a crucial topic whose elements can be used both in the business world and private life. Ivana and Katarina explained the importance of trust between the employees and the management and concluded that the relationship could not be functional if the trust does not exist. They gave several colorful tips on building a culture of trust, so I warmly recommend you to check out our webinar if you didn’t have a chance to join us and listen to it live.

Could We Expect One More Heartcount Webinar?

Company culture and the well-being of employees are inexhaustible topics, which we will always be happy to talk about. Also, sharing good practices is essential for the mutual growth of employees, companies, and the community. So yes, you can definitely expect more knowledge-sharing events from the HeartCount. Follow us on social media (FacebookInstagram, and Linkedin) to be the first to know all the news. Till the next webinar, check out this one on our Youtube channel (note: it is in Serbian).