Webinar Announcement: What Should Your Workplace Learn from COVID-19?

10 March 2021
The man is watching his laptop, reading about the webinar 'What Should Your Workplace Learn from COVID-19'
Estimated Read Time 3 minute read

What will our workplaces look like after the pandemic? The sudden situation we all found ourselves in made us develop new work habits. Now, as the world is getting to grips with the pandemic, it’s time to move forward.

Challenges make us grow and create progress. So there are things we can learn from COVID-19 to make our workplaces better, happier, safer and more productive.

And this is the topic we will talk about at our webinar on March 25, at 2.15 PM CEST.
Feel free to register for it here.

What Advantages Did We Recognize in the Way We Worked during the Pandemic?

The working process is unique in every company and it depends on the industry, a number of employees and many other factors. No matter what the process includes, companies have to find a way to adapt their way of working to the new pandemic conditions. COVID-19 showed us we can do some things differently at work.

Alexander Kjerulf, Heartcount co-founder and our host at the webinar, singled out 5 practices workplaces should maintain after COVID-19, based on his experience:

  • Work from home
  • No more dress codes
  • Reduce business travel
  • Less time in meetings
  • Less control

Find more about Alexander’s benefits of the mentioned working habits in this video.

Are companies ready to keep the newly acquired work habits?

Many processes that companies have long resisted were implemented once the pandemic started. Now, the question is whether workplaces are ready to keep them when we go back to normal?

Our guest at the Heartcount webinar Rich Sheridan, the CEO and Chief Storyteller of Menlo Innovation, will give you an answer to this question. He will share with us what his company learned from the pandemic as well as some key findings from other great organizations.

Rich is extraordinary in his approach to work:

“As leaders we need to figure out how to get our team members working together with a spirit that is lifted, with a resolve that is focused on solving problems at work, with a heart that says I am going to collaborate with the people around me.”

His passion for creating joyful work environments led to the creation of his bestselling and widely celebrated book, Joy, Inc.: How We Built a Workplace People Love. His second book, Chief Joy Officer, continues to prove that a positive and engaging leadership style is good for business.

Menlo’s unique approach to custom software creation is so unique that 3,000 people from around the world come to talk to him, just to see how they do it and learn something new.

Join Our Webinar

Tune in to the HeartCount webinar to find out Rich’s experience during the pandemic and what he learnt about managing workplaces during COVID-19. Find out more about good workplaces practises on March 25, from 2.15 PM CEST! 

Don’t forget to register for our webinar. See you online!