Webinar Announcement: Leadership in Tough Times

27 July 2020
The girl is holding a presentation on what makes good leadership great
Estimated Read Time 2 minute read

When you hear the term a great leader, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? In today’s ever-changing world, the definition of what is a good leader constantly changes and evolves. If you stop for a minute and think about the COVID-19 situation, you can clearly see that being a leader during these tough times carries a great deal of responsibility with it.

Discussing how to stay true to yourself as a leader and help your company overcome difficult situations such as COVID-19 pandemic will be the main topic of HeartCount’s Free Webinar: Leadership in Tough Times on July 30th from 4 P.M. CEST for which you can register by visiting this link.

What Makes Good Leadership Great?

Is there a recipe for becoming a great leader?

Well, there sure are some traits that most of the leaders have in common like intelligence, open-mindedness and confidence. But, having them does not necessarily mean that a person will become a great leader. The ability to react accordingly to the situation and tone down our emotions in different situations is something that separates the average from exceptional leaders.

Garry Ridge, CEO and Company Chairman at WD-40 Company is one of those iconic leaders you’ve probably heard of. He has spent his entire career creating a company culture where people can feel happy but also do amazing work together.

During our Webinar, he will share how the WD-40 company reacted to the global pandemic with us. Besides that, he will share his insights on how you can build a company culture to help your organisation get through a huge crisis like COVID-19 safely and happily.

Join Our Webinar

Don’t miss out the chance to join our Webinar and learn from the man that has over 30 years of experience in leading a world-renowned company such as WD-40. Together we will find out how to be a great leader even when times are tough, unstable and scary.

So, join us on July 30th from 4 P.M. CEST by visiting this link. See you online!