Webinar Impressions: People as the Company’s Greatest Asset

19 February 2021
The woman is watching the webinar 'People as the Company's Greatest Asset 'on her laptop while holding a cup of coffee
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How does your company build trust with employees? Do you know how your employees feel and what they think? Knowing and respecting your employees’ attitudes and feelings is very important for the long-term success of the organisation. This is exactly what we learned from the year behind us. Only by building trust and encouraging transparent communications companies and their employees managed to stay on the same track despite the unexpected challenges. That is why we recognised this as the right time to talk about People as the Company’s Greatest Asset at HeartCount webinar and spread the best practises from the companies where people come first.

Who Were the Panelists at the Webinar?

We held the webinar on February the 10th and had three amazing panellists, whose competence and leadership experience grabbed the attention of about 250 attendees.

Katarina Marković is HR director at Roaming Groupe and has more than 10 years of experience in human resources. She emphasizes organizational culture, change management and employee relations as three most important things she focuses on.

Our second panellist was Ivana Eror BaukEmployee Engagement Manager at Delhaize Serbia. She describes herself as a motivator, firmly determined to get the best out of employees through professional opportunities, work and management. Ivana is committed to creating a company atmosphere where people feel free, respected and encouraged.

And the third panellist was Ivana MihajlovićGroup HR Director at Direct Media United Solutions. She describes HR as a socially responsible vocation and HR specialists as one of the most responsible people for the promotion and maintaining true values not only in companies but also in society. Ivana said that investing in knowledge and relationships are the most valuable investments for the future and self-improvement and self-awareness is the best way to overcome difficult situations.

All of them were honest and open to share their experiences with attendees to encourage and inspire them in their future work.

The Webinar from Moderator Milica Jovic’s Point of View

“I honestly enjoyed the Webinar so much that I forgot about the time. :-) Our panellists were so inspiring and they shared a lot of insights with our attendees. For me, the highlight of the webinar was their vision to guide people with transparency, kindness and integrity – basic values all of the leaders should know about. It looks to me that younger attendees will now see their future work in HR from a different perspective.”

What Advice Did Our Panelists Have for the HR Community?

They all come from a different type of industries and companies, but all three agreed on one:
HR should have a strategic role in the company, and, for that you need integrity and courage. You will develop those things by self-improving, working on relationships with colleagues and not forgetting to be kind. Improving your own skills and knowledge is the best way to show others how to grow together. Be brave and don’t give up doing the right things and nurturing the right values!

What next?

We hope that we together made one more step in raising awareness of the importance of strengthening and nurturing company culture. Also, we are happy that this topic has aroused great interest and we hope to have the opportunity to re-exchange newly acquired experiences in the field of employee well-being. Until then, you can watch the webinar video in Serbian at this link.