Webinar Announcement: How Can Happiness Help Any Business Thrive?

6 April 2021
The woman in front of the laptop, wearing earphones, holding a pencil and notebook, and watching the HeartCount webinar on Happiness helps any business thrive
Estimated Read Time 3 minute read

Is it possible to be happy while doing a monotonous job? According to a global study commissioned by Automation Anywhere, on an average, employees spend more than three hours a day on mundane computer tasks which are not part of their primary job. But, what if the repetitive tasks make up all of your working hours? How happiness can help any business thrive?

Considering that happiness at work depends on results and relationships with colleagues, company culture has an important role in creating happiness at work, no matter what kind of business we are talking about. It could be more challenging for tedious businesses, but it’s possible!

A spin-off company Contento Cultness proved this in practice, and their CEO, Nicolás González Restrepo, will share their experience at our free webinar on April 22nd at 3pm CEST. Don’t forget to register here.

Turning Businesses Into Happy Companies, in Practise

Contento means happiness in Spanish, but it’s also the name of a company of 2,000 people based in Medellin, Colombia. And when you hear what they do, you may not immediately think happy thoughts: Contento is a call center that mostly does debt collections. Yes – they call people who owe money and arrange for them to pay it back. And yet, they’ve managed to turn their organisation into a happy workplace with a great culture. They are focused on the transformation of the working experience through happiness at work and organizational culture.

Does Contento’s Story Sound Interesting to You?

Story of the Contento company is unique in many ways and we are very happy to have a chance to hear it from their CEO, Nicolás González Restrepo at HeartCount‘s webinar. His personal career path is no less interesting than the company’s.

Nicolas has over 8 years of experience in different leadership roles related to sales, intrapreneurship and consulting. He is an administrative engineer, has a specialization degree in corporate finance and is currently finishing his master’s degree in humanistic studies. Nico has additional studies and certificates in change management, pedagogy and negotiation. As his work shows, he loves conversations, authenticity and doing things differently – that’s what makes him thick.

Let Your Business Thrive: Join the Webinar

There is always something you can learn from someone else’s experience. So, take the opportunity to learn how Contento has brought happiness to a tedious business and to grab some of their best ideas you can implement in your organization. Fill out the following application and join us on April 22nd at 3 pm CEST. See you online!